In the Womb

Steve & I caught most of National Geo's In the Womb tonight (a little different than ANTM, don't you think?). We had seen the In The Womb: Multiples last January after finding out my sister was having triplets. That was mind-blowing then...but this was WAY more mind-blowing because....well, obviously - there is a baby IN MY WOMB! It is amazing to see & hear about the development, to learn about fetal surgery (!!) and hey, who doesn't want to see a human birth at 9:50pm on a Wednesday night? (ay yi yi....). Steve & I both started talking to the baby (ours, that is) during the show. There was one part where it said the fetus will start responding to the mother's voice. I said "hello baby, this is your Mama" and BAM - a kick right where my hand was on my belly. It was awesome.
Mind-blowing, but very awesome.