Finished Knits

Okay - these have been done for months and months....but I am trying to finish up the last two. I gave away these two this weekend so I had to take pics before I sent them off!

The pink blanket is for my very lovely & adorable niece Hannah. I was finished with this one months before she was born and praying that at least one of the triplets would be a girl! Lucky me!!

The blue blanket is for my cousin's cutie-pie son, Gavin. I started this one as a decoy when I taught my sister how to knit while she was on bedrest. Of course I ended up finishing this one months before the trips & Gavin's arrival too....sometimes I'm on schedule.

I have a green one (for George) and a yellow one (for Josh) that I am finishing up. Then next on the needles is a lavendar one for Miss Sydney in SoCal (Sam's ultra-preemie - I didn't know there was such a distinction!) and then I'm taking a BREAK from knitting this pattern for a while. I'm getting burnt out but it is my very favorite. I haven't found another quite so pretty. Of course I wish I had it in me to knit one for the Chick Pea....maybe I will, we'll see....or maybe I'll start quilting like I keep say I'm going to!


michelle said…
Beautiful work!

I need to pick up my knitting again! I miss the knitting group!

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