22w 1d - The Belly Grows

Here's a couple of updated belly shots. Depending on what I wear (and really, how much I've eaten that day....) I either look GINORMOUS or not pregnant at all, just chubby - ha! I prefer to look PREGNANT at this point - haha. So far I'm doing pretty good, I think. I have gained about 6 pounds or so.


Meigan said…
Carrie - you look super cute pregnant! Only 6 pounds? That's amazing! I think I gained 6 in my first month...
Sarita said…
You do look cute!
Hee Hee. I look a bout as pregnant as you right now! Thank goodness the regular clothing styles right now seem to all look like maternity
gtr said…
Hello! Nice to "meet you" via blog! I'm assuming we're located pretty near each other in "real life", and have a bunch in common (I have a very exciting 6 weeks-along secret I haven't yet shared with my blog readers).

Nice blog you have here!
michelle said…
You look beautiful!

And I agree with Sarah - thank god for current fashions to cover up those non-pregnant yet chubby tummies :)

I wish there was a way to silence this biological clock...hmph.
Test said…
You look so f'in cute! 6 lbs. Man I'm jealous.
kmd said…
I agree with everyone else – you look totally cute.

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