The Details

Okay - so if you've probably figured out Steve & I are having a baby!

I am 10w, 1 day today and the official due date is January 7, 2008.

We already have a nickname - "chick pea" as the week we found out (or the week after or something) the baby was the size of a chick pea according to a book or the web - I can't remember - and it just sort of stuck.

It was a bit unusal for us to see an ultrasound because it is so early but the Doc just wanted to make sure everything was a-okay. What a TRIP to see the little chick pea moving around. Initially it was swimming all over the place! The arm & leg (one at least) were clearly visible as was the fluttering of the heart. Absolutely amazing. Steve's eyes about popped out - mine probably did too.

It all has become so much more real to us now!

Please keep us and the chick pea in your thoughts as we start this new adventure together!!


Anonymous said…
EEEEEEEEE!!! So exciting! I am so happy for you both. Can't wait to follow along with you!
K said…
In the spirit of Donna's comment:
OOOOOOOOOO!!! :) I'm so excited for you!! Wow - having those little 3 babies here right now must make it so real and cool! :) Woo-hoo! And your life has been so busy!! How are you feeling? CONGRATULATIONS! The cousins will be so close!
kmd said…
OOOOOOOOOOEEEEEE!!! Hooray! Wonderful! Congratulations!
michelle said…
I love all the 'EEEEEE's' and 'OOOOOOO's' and OOOOOOOEEEEEE's' :)


You can bet I'll be keepin' y'all in my thoughts :)
Deb said…
Yippeee!! Your due date is my birthday - lucky baby!
carrster said…
Thanks everyone for your awesome well-wishes!

Donna - you can count on me asking you for advice since you're now a pro at this whole Motherhood thing!

K - Have I got some knitting patterns to get cracking on or what?!? :) I swear someday I will make a wearable baby sweater. Having a Jan baby maybe good motivation!!

kmd - can you move to Duluth instead of Florida so you can come and babysit??

Michelle - yes, I like all the vowels too! :) Eeeeeek! Myself!

Deb - so would you say Jan 7 is a GOOD day to be born then?? hee hee!
DD4 said…
Congratulations, Carrie and Steve!
Anonymous said…
EEEEEE!! (lol) Congratulations on little Chick Pea.
Sarita said…
Yaaaaaaaaaay! Wow you guys can keep a secret way better than we can.

African Kelli said…
Seriously so, so excited for you!
Test said…
What great news for me to read this day! I am so excited for you and Steve! Keep me posted on everything! My love to you both.

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