Auntie Carrie!!!

I'm an auntie!! My sister had her triplets yesterday - whohooo!!

They are:

Hannah Jean
Born at 12:30pm
4lbs 3 oz

George William
Born at 12:32pm
3lbs 14oz


Joshua Wayne
Born at 12:31pm
4lbs 6oz

Hannah & George are at the Special Care Nursery and Joshua is in the NICU to help him out with his breathing. They are all doing very well though.

Kathy is doing awesomely! She is so mellow and strong and just freaking amazing. I am so excited & happy for both her & Jay. I bet they can't wait to hold these wee ones in their arms!!!!

Oh and Aunt Carrie is pretty dang proud too:


Deb said…
Blessings and hugs to ALL of you, especially the wee ones. Keep good care of them all over the next feww days, weeks, monthes and years!
Anonymous said…
Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful! Good things come in threes. They are gorgeous.
Sarita said…
WOW! Congrats to you and the whole family!
michelle said…
Eeee! Congrats! (again!) So beautiful!

I seriously need to stop looking at these pictures before I start planning on having my own baby! :)
Test said…
So cool. I just love seeing this little precious babes. My love to the family.
kmd said…
HOORAY! Congrats, Auntie Carrie! How wonderful and exciting!
DD4 said…
Congratulations to all of you! The babies are adorable.

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