Weekend Update

Friday was gorgeous - 80+ degrees, blue skies. Awesome. Steve & I worked in the yard - I mowed, he putzed & washed cars, I put together our new fire pit, he grilled. We hung out with our neighbors around the new fire pit and as the winds switched and the temps dropped. and then it started raining. Ah well. I love the fire pit! More fires to come this summer, that's for sure.

Saturday was cold. 38 felt like 28. YUCK. I cleaned all day in anticipation of my friends Sarah O & Freya arriving for our annual "Girls' Weekend." They arrived, we ate pizza, we talked and talked and talked and talked, we sat around the kitchen table drinking margaritas (well, Freya didn't she's 7+ months pg after all), we looked at photos from our college days and reminisced about Boones Farm wine (yuck!). It was good.

Sunday we got up and made cinnamon rolls & eggs for breakfast; I brought them to the office to show them around and we did more chatting. They left around 3.

The rest of the day was sucky. Production problems GALORE. Actors & musicians and technicians are flaking on us left and right. We have 11 days to go until production. I'm anxious and excited and terrified and sick of it all and can't wait to get started. It's quite the mix of emotions.

The evening ended with me watching GREY GARDENS which was an interesting documentary about a mother & daughter who live in East Hampton, Long Island in their falling-down mansion - reliving days of a better life. Incidentally the mother was Jackie O's aunt, the daughter her cousin. This film was shot in 1975 and definitely was interesting.


Looks like you're getting very busy just before production begins. Here's to everything falling into place before you start. :-)
michelle said…
Glad to hear that despite the freaking cold weather you had a great time :)

We need to have a girls day with margarita's and cinnamon rolls!

When do you need us to come up as extras?

Can't wait :)

p.s. i miss you!

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