Shameless Plug for a Family Member & his Family

Please read this story below (my cousin is Erik Noraas. This story was not written by me...)

"Befrore reading this story please click on the link above and view the wcco channel 4 story done on Noraas's and Gormans for Valentines Day. [unfortunately the story seems to have been removed as it was from last year...]

My name is Bridget and our entire family has nominated the Noraas family from Faribault , MN orginally but now reside in Big Lake, Mn for ABC extreme make over home edition. Erik and his wife Heidi have 3 children, ages 15, 10 & 5. Some 5 years ago there youngest son was 10 days old and came down with mengiitus which left him mentally disabled. The local news did story on them last year that was heart touching.

2 years later Erik was shipped overseas to Bosnia and while he was deployed his wife was diagnosed with cancer. She will be returning to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester this week for two days for tests. After all this Erik's wife Heidi read a newspaper story about my husband Martin who was in desperate need of a kidney. Heidi called us and we set up a time to meet. As to our surprise Erik decided to donate my husband a kidney. We had waited 7 years for this day and this angel from above was sent to us. One year ago on Febuary 15th 2006 Erik Noraas donated one of his kidney to my husband. It has been a year and both Erik and my husband martin are doing very very well.

The home they have is in need of a makeover as they have no room in the 1100 sq ft house for there family. They enjoy and welcome all friends and family to there home and have helped many people in times of need for a place to stay. There son whom goes to speech and occupational therapy ongoing desperately needs more space so that they may improve is therapy and be able to offer more for him at home. They also have friends whom are both are in wheel chairs and they do enjoy bring them out to there home but it makes it very tough for them to access the house as there are not ramps for them to enter there home. Both erik and heidi work full time jobs and manage there family life 24 hours 7 day a week. The two older children are often left to wait for there attention as there 5 year old son takes a lot of time.

There house is small but it also is I need of some repair. There windows are rotten away and because of that they are left dealing with some health issues from the mold is growing in there windows. The children and suffering from many many ear and upper respitory issues and have undergone many surgeries to repair there ear after holes have been left behind after having tubes. They daughter age 10 will soon be having another surgery in hopes to fix the ear and she is having difficulty with hearing.

We feel that this family has been put there enough and we would like for them to have a home and will better manage there busy schedule. They are so very deserving …jus think a stranger whom answered your call for help after 7 year of dialyses and Erik Noraas once again step-ups to the call of duty after 20 years in the military and answered our prayers."

So - my cousin & his family have been "nominated" for Extreme Makeover Home Edition and there is a petition to further their cause here. If you feel so inclined....please sign the petition.


K said…
Signed...of course. Can we talk about how Extreme Makeover makes me cry EVERY week? Last week though? The little boy with all the books? I was a puddle. Let me know if they get on so I can be sure to watch! :)
Anonymous said…
Yeah, what k said! The kid with the books. Forget it, I was a mess.

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