Jesus Camp (2006)

Jesus Camp - Steve & I watched this documentary over the weekend (nominated for Best Documentary Feature at the Oscars last night). It is about an Evangelical Christian Camp for kids.

I found this movie very disturbing. The children that they followed, albeit they are very well spoken, behaved, etc, are so incredibly brainwashed it's unbelievable! There is no message about being kind to one's neighbor or doing good deeds; no comment on celebrating the beauty of God's creation or love - just kids in the fear of their lives - praying constantly, sobbing & weeping over their sins & transgressions (these are 8-10 year olds, btw) and "speaking in tongues." This film was well done, I thought, and eye opening. The counterpoint is a Christian radio talk show host who thinks that this arm of Christianity has gone too far.

I found these kids to be rather heartbreaking as it seems their childhood has been hijacked. It made me sad.


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