A Couple Reviews

Music & Lyrics (2007)
This was not a great film. But, it doesn't matter. This film made me smile, it made me laugh out loud and I've had silly pop songs in my head for the past 4 days. Sure there were huge gaping plot holes, ridiculous coincidental circumstances, near obscene gyrations and no real character development. But, I don't care! I won't say that I "loved" this movie but I did like it. In my words it was too easy. In my Mother's "simple" (but my Grandma sure liked it). I'll take Mr. Grant with his infectious charm any time. POP goes my heart....(hee hee)[I'm only slightly annoyed that I cannot buy said pop songs off of iTunes. Grrrr. I don't WANT the whole soundtrack!]

The Departed (2006)
I won't say I loved this movie either - for such entirely different reasons! This film had so much plot, so many intricacies and loads of scenery chewing actors. I had to pay attention (which I um, like during a movie) and had to hold my breath and say commands to the tv set ("go! go! follow him!!")("don't pick it up, don'tpickit up"). The all-star cast kept rolling out with their rapid dialogue and slew of profanities (that didn't bother me). That was fun to watch. Scorsese's directing was at times noir-like (the foot 'chase' after the adult theater, anyone?) and he did a really amazing job with this complicated story. I liked this movie. A lot. It's sinking in today. However it was incredibly violent and it caused me to have mob-like-violence in my dreams, which I didn't like at all. I know, I know, Scorsese, the Irish Mafia - what do you expect? I think I'm getting sensitive in my old age.

How The Departed and Little Miss Sunshine can even be considered in the same category for Oscar is BEYOND me. I agree with Peder that the category needs to be split.


African Kelli said…
I totally agree with you Carrie! I rented Little Miss and the Departed this weekend and can't believe they are in the same category.
I did fall in love with Miss Olive.

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