Wedding Gift Poll

Okay....we just received a package from REI!!!! We're thinking this must be from our registry as we haven't ordered anything from there lately....

The question we wait to open it?

Remember, I am the kind of person who likes presents on Christmas Day not Christmas Eve but I'm so excited and this feels a little different.

Dear internets, your opinion please.



Anonymous said…
Nope, you do not have to wait to open it. If it comes early, you should open it and send a thank you note promptly. But since you are not married yet, make sure your thank you notes don't say Mr. & Mrs...

Oh god, I am an etiquette nazi....
Sarita said…
The consensus (wha d'ya know ? Wikipedia says I spelled that right!) on the Knot is that you can open it, and send a thank you, but are not allowed to use it until after the wedding.
The etiquette (I only spelled that right because it was in Donna's post) Nazis'll come to your house to check. If you have used any gift, they will wrap you in tulle from head to toe, then throw rice and birdseed at you while blowing bubbles in your face. The horror!

That's what I heard anyway.
Test said…
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Test said…
Open it, open it, open it! Donna and Sarah have much more patience then I...Miss Manners, I am not. In reality, it could be a gift for an upcoming shower from someone who can't attend.

SHOWER TIP (if you don't know this already). Have shower attendees complete their address on the envelopes you will use to send thank you cards. Helps cut down on time you spend writing them out.
Test said…
whew, please excuse my spelling today. haven't had enough coffee!!
African Kelli said…
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African Kelli said…
It's kosher. Go for it!
Anonymous said…
Actually you should open it and send your thank you note right away.

What's good is that you can see if people are shying away from the "boring" necessities on your registry in favor of the more "exciting" gifts. Then what you do is add more of those "exciting" gifts to the registry so that you can return them later (after the wedding) to get the "boring" necessary stuff.

Plus you get to send your thank you notes before the wedding and tell the people how excited you will be to see them at the happy day. That's always nice, because bottom line that's what it's all about - sharing the day with friends and family. :-)
Anonymous said…
I have to disagree with Weeone regarding having your shower guests address their own thank you note envelopes. Miss Manners severely frowns on that practice, as do most other etiquette experts. The thinking behind it is that they went to the trouble to shop for a gift, wrap a gift and come to your shower. You can take the time and effort to address and write the thank you notes. Showers are such a strange animal in the etiquette world anyway, because they really are just a gift giving event, you need to do as much as possible to make sure guests don't feel abused or used. That's why there is food and alcohol served and favors given to guests. You shouldn't expect them to do your job with the thank you notes.

Not that I have an opinion..... :-) Did I tell you that my dream job is wedding planner? That's where all this crazy etiquette knowledge is coming from.
carrster said…
I am sort of a geek about writing letters & thank you notes so I had planned on doing it myself anyway. But you know, different strokes for different folks.

There will be MUY alcohol food & favors at my showers (I hope!!!) ha ha ha.

You should TOTALLY be a wedding planner!!! :-)
Test said…

Interesting note. As Carrie can attest, my etiquette is not one of my strong suits (also also have a problem with a swearing issue that must be rectified before I have little children living with me!). Thanks for the free lesson :)

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