The FiestaWare Dilemma

As "the big day" approaches I'm sure I'll be posting more and more wedding-related topics. Hopefully they will be light hearted, maybe even funny or touching. If I post pictures of myself pulling my hair out, you know I've gone too far.

So, what's a girl to do? I'm in mid-registry season for my upcoming nuptials. We probably should've started doing this a month ago, but we didn't. We're slow like that. We've talked about doing it, I've tried to convince Steve it's a necessary thing to do or we're going to end up with a million silver picture frames and crystal bowls and we're just now getting to the nitty gritty. The only reason we even started last week was because I have a couple of showers coming up and the invitations went out last week saying WHERE we're registered at - and we weren't! Crap. At any rate...we've made a start. I feel better.

So the FiestaWare. I LOVE dishes. I love love love love love dishes. Glassware, serving pieces, vintage pieces, colorful pieces. Stoneware, pottery, china - I love it. I have to control myself because really? We don't need a "good" set, an "everyday" set, an "eating outside" set, a "fall" set, a "spring" set, an Easter set, etc. You get my drift (I'm drawing the line at Christmas because wouldn't a set of cranberry dishware be perfect for all those holiday meals in our future?

Anyway....I inherited a set of Winfield China from my (still living) Grandmother (they're both still living, that's beside the point). I LOVE it. I think she bought it from a traveling salesman or the county fair or something in the late 50's. So it's not ancient, it's just cool. The plates have lips, there is a painted funky flower design on it, they're tan with brown accents and a smidge of pink. The set is huge - dinner plates, luncheon plates, cups, saucers, different sizes of bowls, serving pieces, etc etc and ASH TRAYS for each place setting!!! I have to set them out even though we DEFINITELY have a no-smoking in the house policy. I just think it's cool. So we don't need china. I'm not giving up this Winfield for anything. I love it. It's what I remember eating Turkey on when I was a kid (that and that cranberry dishware previously mentioned at my other Grandma's house).

So, when my Mother said "I think you would love FiestaWare" about a million years ago, she was right! I love it. I love the 1930's style (very popular in the 30's - something people saved up for during the depression and FEATURED in the Smithsonian - how cool is that?), I love the bright colors, I love the idea that you can mix & match. I like that the plates feel sturdy yet are not so thick and heavy. I like my dishware to have some weight to it. To feel the curves of the cup in my hand and the ridges on the dinner plates and the sleek design of the pitcher - I love it! Get it?

My intention was to register at REI, Target and Kohl's because REI kicks ass, Target also kicks ass and as most everything we could want/need and Kohl's because they have FiestaWare.

We registered at REI, no problem. Target, no problem. Last night I go to Kohl's start scanning away and NO FIESTAWARE! What? Beautiful dishes. Some lovely "Sonoma" brand, some lovely Italian somethingorother, but no FiestaWare! I asked at Customer Service and after waiting for the Housewares department to come over and then hauling my ass BACK to housewares with her....we discover one lonely turquoise cereal/soup bowl. ONE. That's it. They're "phasing out" of FiestaWare? There was also one place setting in clearance. Sunflower yellow (which I adore) but it's missing a cup. That's it. No more.

Apparently "just our store" is phasing out of the FiestaWare but when I look online they only have about 2 different colors. What's the point of that? I called another Kohls in the Twin Cities area and they are "low" on FiestaWare (as are all the stores in the metro area) and they "probably" will get more but he didn't know when. ????? CRAP! My plan is foiled!

What do I do?

JC Pennys has a RAINBOW of FiestaWare on their website and I'm considering registering there as well but really? four stores? That is a bit much and SO UNGODLY EMBARRASSING. I feel like a greedy little bride. Plus, the stuff I put on the Kohls registry? I could find a Pennys but now the shower invites say we're registered at Kohls! ARGH!!!!

oh the drama, the dilemma....hahahaha

So what do you think? Do I put the FiestaWare on at Pennys and just post that on my Knot site and if people ask me tell them? Am I being ridiculous by registering at 4 places? (granted Kohl's has about 6 things on it)?



Anonymous said…
I say ditch the Kohl's registry and just move it to Penney's. Note it on The Knot and make sure the hostess knows so that when the RSVPs come in, she can also mention that there was a bit of a problem with Kohl's and your registry has moved to Penney's. There is nothing wrong with being registered at four stores, but it is annoying as a guest to go to a registry and there are only six items on it. At least, in my humble opinion it is.

Does Linen's N Things or Bed Bath and Beyond carry FiestaWare? Those are good places to register because there is so much to choose from and guests enjoy shopping there. Their online registry is really easy to do, too.
Sarita said…
BB&B is a nice place to register. They treat you quite well. But, they will not, under any circumstances, no mattter how much whining you do, or who you call, allow you to put in a wedding date in the past. I'm sure this is a problem many couples run just me?..oh well.

I get 9 colors when I search Kohl's website...and 12 when I search Penny's. (yes, I'm bored and waiting for a long a-- video to export)
I say if you are registering at a store solely for the Fiestaware, do it at Penny's and, as Donna said, ditch Kohl's. It seems weird, but anyone who knows you will know that there was probably a reason for the massive number of registries ;o)
also, on The Knot you can hand enter registry info if you feel the need to explain why you only registered for dishes at JCPenny.
carrster said…
Well, I picked out 6 colors of place settings on my lunch hours and la ti dah! There you have it. For now I'll leave Kohl's, since those invites have gone out and I'm going to add some linens (I doubt anyone will go there anyway actually, I have a feeling people will be more inclined to go to Target) and I've included my Penney's registry on my Knot site.

*sigh* I have one shower where the invites haven't gone out yet and Penney's will be listed instead of Kohl's. Such complicated business, huh?
Test said…
Not to throw anything else in the mix but Fields (now Macy's) is where we registered for our Fiestaware. And I'm with you love it love it love it!!!
carrster said…
Gah! I'm not going to ANOTHER store - ha ha.

ah well, for now at least I'm at Penney's - if people want to buy me, I mean us, FiestaWare they can buy it anywhere!

Did you do all mixed colors, Holly?
DD4 said…
Carrie, I also LOVE dishes - just ask Peder. My motto is "You can never have too many dishes!"

Best wishes on your up-coming wedding!

carrster said…
Thanks Donna!

Yes, I think dishes are great. And such a wonderful thing to pass on to other generations too. They're so pretty & functional! wheeeee!

I can't wait to have a dinner party....
Test said…
We primarily went with the cinnabar for plates/bowls. Accent pieces are the dark blue. Found some other stuff from another brand at Fields that went with the colors so we threw those into the mix.
carrster said…
Very Cool, Holly - I am excited to stack the plates (alternating colors, naturally) in the cupboards! I'll probably keel over when I actually get to use them. Ha.

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