Yankee Doodle Dandy!

We just were informed that we get Monday off as a PAID HOLIDAY (my favorite kind).


And because I didn't know, because this was last minute - I have NO PLANS which means, I can do WHATEVER I WANT TO!!!!!

Can you sense my excitement?

I plan on: reading, editing, playing online, being outside, hiking, eating, sleeping, sewing, knitting, doodling, eating some more, drinking a margarita, starting to address wedding invites, cleaning, putzing in the garden, persuading Steve to get ice cream with me, day dreaming, and NOT BEING AT WORK!

Okay - I'm not sure I'll get to all of those things but I love the potential of it all.....

Other weekend plans: (now LONG weekend!)

Pick up BRIDESMAID DRESSES in St. Paul! Wheeee, they're in!
Go to a Twins game at the Metrodome in Minneapolis with 20 or more other crazy members of my family (no it's not a reunion we just like to hang out together).
BBQ with my folks, my sister & bro-in-law and my honey at my sister's house.
The things listed for Monday - heh.
More bbqing, watching fireworks and cursing the work day on Wednesday



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