Resolution Check Up

A while a go Kelli revisited her 2006 resolutions to see how she was doing. I decided that checking up on mine might be a good idea.

I'm equally surprised and disappointed in myself. I do believe that my goals weren't too lofty and most of them I will be able to accomplish to one degree or another by the end of '06. Some things got askewed when Steve's Dad had his stroke and there are definitely parts of our lives that have changed.

Here is my orignal list with updates (in italics):

1. Exercise 3-4 times a week. Mostly
2. Ski/Hike a couple times a week, or at least go for a walk outside. Mostly
3. Sit ups/arm weights Um…not as much as I should.
4. Stop eating so much. Definitely! Calorie Counter online is helping.
5. Less diet coke, more water!! Yes, but I still have 1 DC a day.
6. No smoking. CHECK.
7. Less Beer. Definitely
8. More salads, less chips. Well, more baked chips & more veggies.

1. Lots of camping! Not once yet this year.
2. Visit every state park on the North Shore for camping and/or hiking/skiing at least once. Only have visited one State Park this year.
3. Visit a trail you’ve never been on before at least once every other month. I think this is a CHECK.
4. Keep writing in hiking journal/add digital pictures I’ve been slacking on the journal a lot.
5. Go on a honeymoon! Planned for December ’06.

1. Audition for plays. Too busy this year…looking forward to winter of ’07.
2. Create new and interesting gifts. Lots of ideas bubbling for this one.
3. Finish a project in a timely fashion once you’ve started. Still struggling on this one.
4. Make lots and lots of greeting cards I have been lacking entirely in this!!

1. Continue to pay off debt, NO MORE CHARGING. Good until I bought my new computer.
2. Stick to budget. Mostly good but could be better.
3. Keep putting money into savings every week. Trying too.
4. Track monthly spending and cut back where applicable. Canceled Cable!
5. Waste not. Using everything we have…well, most of it anyway.
6. Go to the library instead of buying books. I “accidentally” received 2 book club orders that I then kept. Bad Carrie… I owe the library $7.25 from 3 years ago and have to pay that off before I can check anything out.
7. Walk or ride bike more than driving car. I’ve only ridden my bike twice to work so far this year…doh….
8. Don’t pay bills late ever…. Yes!
9. Set up an account for Christmas way before Christmas so you can spend/shop/give without feeling the pain in January. I have money budgeted for the fall months for Christmas gifts. And I’m thinking ahead!

1. Make some new single & couple friends This one is not going well.
2. Be more timely about sending out birthday, anniversary, etc cards to friends far & near. Getting better!
3. Go to more plays. Saw one this month and maybe one next week.
4. See more movies in the theatre Only two in the theater so far this year and one was at the Imax.
5. Ask new friends out to dinner every other month or so. Haven’t done this once.
6. Go to the MN Science Museum in St. Paul Not yet, but there is still time.

1. Clean out front closet/organize/build shelves I cleaned some of the stuff out but no shelves yet.
2. Re-finish hard wood floors On the calendar for July.
3. Organize basement. Put up plastic shelves, get rid of things you DON’T WANT/NEED Need to work on this one.
4. Simplify! Ditto.
5. Think about kitchen improvement possibilities: tiled backsplash, new floor, paint, cabinets We painted the cabinets, the backsplash, added new hardware and a new valance. Floor to come.
6. Make curtains or buy shades/blinds for windows. Not yet.
7. Keep the house clean. Create weekly/monthly chore board. Should really do this.
8. File the “to-be-filed” section of filing cabinet. Shred unwanted documents. This needs to be done.
9. Get all tax information compiled and ready to go. Taxes were completed in a timely fashion. Tax refund went into the wedding fund.
10. Clean bedroom closet, craft closet, organize craft supplies Craft closet organized! Bedroom closet not.
11. Plant wildflowers & trees and maybe a vegetable garden!! Planted tomatoes, green beans, sunflowers, a pumpkin and loads of flowers.
12. Have a garage sale in the spring or try to sell things on eBay We plan on skipping the garage sale and taking everything to Good Will instead.

1. Read one book per month. I’m ahead of schedule on this.
2. Finish reading all the “to-be-read” books on bookshelf. Trying to do this.
3. Get rid of books that you don’t love or wouldn’t read again. Need to do this. I have given away several books after reading them this year.
4. Put pictures in album for J. Put pictures in scrapbook/organize for me. I’ve scrapped my pics but still have to hand over his.
5. Take time to reflect, meditate, focus and dream. Sometimes.
6. Play the piano, learn how to play guitar. Haven’t played the piano ALL YEAR!
7. Be outside more, especially with S. We try to hike a lot or hang out in the yard, or bike.
8. Find something (work) that will make me happy. I’m trying to focus on my wedding editing biz and pursuing more video work.
9. Get violin bows re-haired. Not yet. But I should

1. Discover new ways to be intimate Hmmm….
2. Hold hands as much as possible. Not really – same as before.
3. Do the “little” things that mean so much. I try to do things to make his life easier when he’s so stressed.
4. Cook special dinner at least once a week. This doesn’t always happen but I do try to make an effort.
5. Spend more time listening to music, drinking wine and talking. We’ve had a few lovely wine & candles nights.
6. Baths. Not since winter.
7. Be more healthy to ensure a long & fulfilled life. Constantly!


African Kelli said…
Holey moley you have a lot of resolutions! Tell me more about this online calorie counter. I'm intrigued!
carrster said…
well, I decided to go with things I really should do for each life "category" and maybe that would be easier and it sort of is...I am not real strict about "resolutions" but I like goals and reminders.

The calorie thing is and you can put in your food, activity, etc. It's helpful because if I really am THINKING about what I'm eating some of the crap really isn't worth it. :)
Test said…
Come on down for a visit and we'll take in the Body Works show at the Science Museum. It was great and I want to go again!!
carrster said…
I heard it was awesome...sadly I'm a little booked up this summer...something about a big party I'm planning the fall...? GAH!
katie said…
set yourself achievable targets?

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