Not Happy

There is someone in my life who is never happy. I should rephrase that – that’s a bit too strong. Who’s rarely happy. Even when there are good things to be excited and happy about, he’s always able to find the darkest part of the cloud and sit under it. I know this. I have known this for 10, 12 years! And yet it still affects me.

I am (as the blog insinuates) naturally optimistic. I can’t help it. Even when I’m sad or crabby or ornery or down it doesn’t last long because I usually tend to forget what I was sad, crabby, ornery or down about. Usually. It just has a way of slipping down the ladder of emotional priorities as something more lovely comes along. Like….the way the sun sparkles on the water. Or the fact that my favorite tv show is on that night…or getting a friendly email out of the blue, or seeing my honey when he walks through the door at the end of the day. Silly little things that wouldn’t make everyone – particularly the glass-half-empty types to even have a glimmer of a thought of changing their attitude. Ah well, that’s them and I’m me. Right.

Anyway – this friend….to hear the sadness, orneryness this grumpiness this disappointment in his voice is enough to slay me! And I know that is just stupid. I know that whatever the outcome is…whatever the answer….whether or not 12 dancing elephants come to deliver the news where sparkly fringed outfits holding 12 beautiful dancing acrobat ladies that he would be sad, disappointed, grumpy, you get the idea.

So why does it bug me? Why do I have to be affected?

I’ve tried very hard in the past couple of years to shed my co-dependent tendencies (the unhealthy ones, at least) and to protect myself, my life and what I feel like I’ve built up for myself WITHIN myself…so when someone breaches the protective outer shell, it gets to me.

That being said…two years ago I would be a puddle on the floor trying to mimic this same sad, depressed, grumpiness that was presented to me and now I approach it with a bit of indifference. Well, if you can be indifferently bugged, that is.


Peder said…
The indifference is a good sign. At some point it's just best to let unhappy people stay unhappy. Or at least leave them alone.

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