
Okay - I've been delinquent in posting. No's a recap:
The weekend:

Friday night painted the kitchen - we decided to change the background color BACK to the original color that we were going to use so yes, re-painting was involved. Stayed in - had a few beers and listened to some good music and relaxed. Very mellow.

Saturday I woke up sad. Don't know why I was in such a downer mood but I was and had a hard time shaking it. Feeling bad about my lack of a social circle here in town (my friends now seem to be all long-distance which really blows) and feeling fat. Steve & I painted in the kitchen and got lots done. It looks great. He went up to take a shower and the tub wouldn't drain. This is strange since I had just taken one before him and had no problem. THe only thing we can think of is that there was a hair ball in the sink and when he cleaned out the sink stopper thingy more water than usual got flushed down the pipe and made something clog it up. We snaked last year and have been using a hair catcher-thingy in the tub ever since so I think the sink is the culprit. Snaking didn't work this time and we're afraid to use chemicals so we are having a 1/2 working bathroom at the moment (toilet is fine) until we can get to it. We'll probably have to go in through the kitchen sink (which drains fine) and go up. Ugh.

Saturday night we had dinner at Steve's Dad's. It was a very pleasant evening and so nice to get away from the plubming problems. We ended up going to a couple of bars that night after dinner - Dub Lin's which is an "Irish themed" bar downtown - brand new. It's nice enough but the crowd is a bit young. I felt old. And fat. Then off to Red Star which is a trendy martini bar and more my speed (more my age). And they play great music, make great martini's - it's just better.

Sunday got up and decided to have a hearty breakfast and ignore the plumbing issues. That's a great way to make things go away! ignore your problems! ha. We hiked for 2 1/2 hours at Hartley Nature Center and it was wonderful. Definitely what we both needed. After our hike we rushed home to finish preparing dinner (his Dad & SO were coming over) and cleaned up the kitchen & living room to make it's a great way to get a lot of "crisis cleaning" done in a really short amount of time.
Dinner was: pot roast, potatoes, carrots, salad, beer bread and a whipped chocolate cheesecake that T brought. It was a pretty good dinner although I wasn't pleased with the toughness of the meat (even though it had been in the crock pot for 8 hours Hmph). We also had a lovely Atelier from Beckman's (my favorite vineyard) and I ended up drinking WAY too much wine which made Monday pretty unbearable. I also bought several songs on iTunes as I broke my cardinal rule of no iTunes surfing while drinking wine.
Yesterday sucked. Hung over and feeling crappy all day. What is my problem?! I came home after work and promptly hit the couch to "read" (which really meant sleep). I got up and moved into my bedroom for some more sleeping....then finally got up, ate and painted a little bit. The rest of the night was spent watching 24 (sooooo goood!!!!) and No Reservations (on Osaka) and went to bed early.
I woke up today loving life because I felt SO MUCH BETTER.

And a recap of the past few days.

Tonight I hope to get more painting done, maybe do a little editing (I'm editing Steve's sister's wedding), perhaps knit a bit? We'll see. There are always so many things to do.

OH! and I'm looking for wedding invitation ideas and am open to suggestions. I would like to make them - either buy the supplies or buy a kit. I like to be crafty and thought I MIGHT be able to save a little dough this way - I don't know though...My wedding is in the fall so I'm looking for autumn-y colors (chocolate browns, oranges, golds, greens - etc)....HELP ME!! I had an invitation all picked out but haven't been able to find the right I'm moving on to new ideas as I'd like to get this off my "to-do" list!



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