This Week

...has been a yucky week. Primarily because of a certain DVD burner who decided to up & quit on Monday, the day that J needed to burn all his dvd's for a grant deadline - which is tomorrow. Ugh.

Took the Mac in to The Geek Squad for them to replace said burner, which they did. Unfortunately the burner they replaced it with is not compatible with Macs!!! My thinking is...if they don't know how to do something, perhaps they shouldn't do it at all. So the rest of the week has been scrambling to find someone who can burn a Video TS file and make copies of our two movies so he can submit and hopefully receive a $25k grant! (strings free, btw).

Think it is worked out today - at least temporarily - also think that the problem mostly lies in his dvd player which he was testing the dvd's on and not the dvd burner. *sigh* I want him to go back to Best Buy, have them put the old one back in the computer, take the new one and shove it and refund his money.

He's driving his submission to Mpls tomorrow and hopefully he'll be very happy in June when/if they announce his name. That would rock.

In the meantime, the Mac needs some serious upgrades which we've been putting off - an updated OSX for one, updated Toast & DVDSP and others too. *sigh* There's always something.

In another note - we ate at the restaurant where we're planning on having our Groom's Dinner (that's Rehearsal Dinner for some of you in different parts of the country) the night before the wedding. It's very close to the resort and charming in a sort of old-cabiny-rustic sort of way. I love it. I had walley and it was delish. I'm hoping to get fish somewhere on the wedding weekend menu....we'll see.

And I'm incredibly inspired by AfricanKelli's 40-days of Calculated Acts of Kindness and hope to duplicate it at least partially myself. Why don't you do something good for someone (stranger or friend) just for the heck of it? I will.


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