
I have a bit of the blues today. Just too much crap weighing me down. I can't seem to get excited about much of anything right now and I'm feeling bored...which is highly unusual for me.

I bought more knitting needles today - #13's for the project tomorrow. I thought I had some previously and therefore did not get any the other day....but I didn't. I got the cheap metal ones as I'm on a budget. Ah well. I'll save the bamboo for my next purchase. Oh how I do love them.

Steve's Dad is going to Mayo Clinic on Friday for an appointment. Good news: Mayo kicks ass and is close enough to be referred to from here (about 3 1/2 hours). Bad news: They referred him to Mayo instead of just doing what needed to be done here. Therefore he's losing his just gotten bed at really really nice nursing facility and may not get it back when he comes back to town - all depends on availability. I might be going to Rochester this weekend....all depends on what's happening and where everyone is.

A friend of mine has cancer. Well, she had melanoma 5 years ago but has been cancer free since they took it off of's back though, with a vengeance....lungs, chest, leg...they're doing a brain scan to see if it's there. I HATE cancer. She's I think? She has a 2 1/2 year old. She is awesome and I am heartbroken. She used to let me go through her clothes that were going to GoodWill and I got the coolest stuff from her (she's British and has a wicked fashion sense). I haven't seen her since I moved from LA but have emailed & sent cards etc. I just feel yucky about the whole thing and she seems so far away.

And I'm just feeling bleh.

It's hard to get excited about planning the big party when all this crap is going on.



Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry to hear you have the blues, and so sorry to hear about your friend.

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