Apples & Tigers and Burners - oh my!

I am having a HELL of a time with this whole dvd burner situation. I am frustratd. To the point of near break down today. I can't take it any more. Now I have a FINISHED FEATURE FILM, enough money in the bank (almost!) to replicate dvd's and I can't get the g.d. thing OFF THE COMPUTER?


I am running DVD Studio Pro 1.5 (dvd authoring software). The video elements were made in FCP 3 and the menus in Photoshop and they were married together in a fabulousness in DVDSP. 1.5 is a very old version...but hey - it's uber expensive and it works (or did) and that's all we had.

I am operating on OSX 10.2.1. Yes, I know. Shoot me. I can upgrade to 10.2.8 apparently for free and will do that as soon as I'm at that computer again...but it doesn't really help me.

I need a new DVD burner. Preferably external at this point. One that will kick some MAJOR ass and get my film in a pristine format to the replication house.

If I buy a new DVD burner (LaCie, I have my eye on you...) it won't run with OSX 10.2.1 only with a higer OS. I could just use Toast and Toast 7 comes with the new LaCie but guess what? That only runs on 10.3 and above....I could upgrade DVDSP (with what $? I have no idea) but guess what? That also won't run on 10.2 - you see my dilemma? But if I upgrade to 10.3 or let's face it - 10.4 by this point - it won't work with the current version of DVDSP that I currently have (and can afford because - well, I already have it!!!).

It's a vicious cycle and I'm pretty sure I"m over thinking so PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME! I have called the Apple Store, I have scoured the internet, I have posted mulitple messages on the boards...all I want is an answer to this question:

What type of DVD burner do I need to get to make my 10.2.1 (or 10.2.8) & DVD Studio Pro 1.5 work with it?!?!?!?! CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER THAT QUESTION FOR ME?!?!?

I hear I might be able to get the answer from AppleCare for $49 a phone call. *sigh* Did I mention that I'm broke right now and trying to finance a wedding?!? Gah.

When/if J gets his grant, all computer issues will be resolved because we will update to Final Cut Suite (sweet!) and Tiger and I will be a happy camper. But we won't know until June. And that's a long way off. And I have a wedding to edit (my soon-to-be-in-laws) and a slide show to compile (for our wedding) and I'd just as soon get it done sooner rather than later and ARGH!

*deep breaths*

Oh and I'm getting so fat. What is up with that? I thought working out was supposed to help with that.

I"m going to bed now. Seriously - if you know ANY MAC PEOPLE, please please please send them my way. I feel like a complete idiot.

Thank you.

PS - I have a G4 Tower, 733


Peder said…
Sarah posting as Peder here:

I have found DVCreators network often has the answers to my most pressing and obscure questions about this kind of thing. I hope they can help.
carrster said…
Thanks, Sarah. I had forgotten to check there! (of course i'm blocked from most the good sites at work...bah!)....I'm surprised I haven't been shut out of the Apple discussions yet...ha!

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