You Gotta Fight, for your Rights....

Okay - it's not all Beastie Boys or anything but I am quite pleased with myself.

There is a certain piece of music who's rights have been alluding us for the past, I dunno... 2 1/2 years? That we'd like to use in the film. For the opening titles. We've cut it in currently and I daily nag J about sending off a letter to the (now defunct) band in hopes that in the creative & indie spirit of things they'd let us use it for FREE (at least for festivals, submissions, etc). Well, time has passed. The elusive letter took about a year and a half for J to right and then on Wednesday I starting doing major sleuthing. Okay, it wasn't that major. Just a bit of googling but still. I had vowed that this WAS NOT my responsibility because I wanted to opt for a song that we already HAD the rights to. I digress.

We found out that in order to get our DVDs made (there's still time to help! Click here!) we had to prove we own everything (music, animation, etc) in the film to the people doing the duplicating. We have everything....except this ONE song. Well, I finally came across a CURRENT email address which didn't bounce back and started emailing with a band member yesterday! It was incredibly cool and he was incredibly nice and so far so good on getting the rights! It's owned by the band and we're sending a copy of the flick off to him so he can look it over and sign the release form...and then we're one step closer to SHRINK-WRAPPED DVD GLORY. *sigh*

I am so excited.


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