Mood Gone South


I'm in a terrible mood.

I had an incredibly frazzled hour at work from 3-4 where I was back and forth on the phone with my boss and our travel agent as he is stuck in Philly. I must've made 20 (30?) phone calls and was just left feeling ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT at the end of it.

I ordered some soup from work today because there were a few cases that had cosmetic flaws and of course no one bothered to tell me when it came in so mine got taken home with the lady who brought it in and I'll get it tomorrow. Not that big of a deal but MAN once again to I feel fucking invisible.

I tried to put on my FUCKING wiper blades after work (Yes, I feel like saying FUCK a lot right now) and I just can't get it. It took about 30 minutes to get one off and now I can't get the new one on to save my life. I feel like an IDIOT and it is frustrating me greatly and things like that do not sit well with me.

And my fucking jacket - the zipper keeps going up up up - hey, no problem - only -13 windchill this morning. GREAT.

And I started making dinner, went to grab my old stand by tomato soup for a recipe and there's none there. I usually always buy a can or two of a couple of creamed soups and also tomato just in case but there is nothing there this time - so that means I have to think of something else involving baked potatoes and ground beef which I already defrosted. My options are VERY limited.

And I just talked to Steve and he's way out in the boonies and informed me that there's FRESH CAT PEE on the wall upstairs which he didn't have time to clean up (yet, I could've cleaned it at lunchtime had I KNOWN ABOUT IT) and I think he's ornery at me because I'm going to work on the DVD tonight instead of watching "The Donald" but I told him that i was going to work tonight on Tuesday and I think he generally tunes me out and that makes me very sad.

And when I cry I get hives all over my face so I am LOVELY right now. Take my word for it.



Oh no! Sounds like a terrible day. Tomorrow will be better! And it's Friday! And almost Thanksgiving!

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