
I had such a blast tonight. We learned choreography for Consider Yourself and it was so much fun. It was a bit warm in the rehearsal room but it felt so good to be up and moving about and doing jazz squares and singing and bumping into people and laughing and *sigh* It was so much fun. Steve thinks I'm an even HUGER dork now since I came home and I'm still trying to get this one combination in my brain (or rather in my feet). It's not ballet and it's not rocket science but my god, it's a lot of fun. I could do this all day and night. I guess that's why I went to school for it!! Now if only I could get paid.....


btw - reading The Time Traveler's Wife right now and I'm in love with it! I'm only 60 pages or so in but I find it fascinating. If you haven't, check it out!


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