Hot Hot Hot!

howdy ho...

Weekend was long and very short. Left Duluth about 7pm on Friday night got back last night at 11pm. Ugh. I spent many hours in front of a computer -well, behind the guy that was in front of the computer. We tweaked, listened, nudged, changed, recorded, bounced and all that hoo-ha. We watched the film w/new sound yesterday afternoon and there were multiple technical problems. Things were in sync, I was having a panic attack, it was getting late and SO GODDAMN HOT (I'm still not complaining, I swear).

So, it now SOUNDS like a real movie. Yay! I'm so pleased with the results. The mixing went good despite the minor problemos.

I'm so. ready. to. be. done. Have I mentioned that?!

Y'all better come and see the film or rent or or SOMETHING for cryin' out loud. Don't you know what I do for you people?!?! (hee hee)

Right now it's 95 or so, 95 % humidity and windy - like hair dryer blowing on you. Blech. I'm in the "cool" room and can't bear to go downstairs and actually do anything. ay yi yi

1st rehearsal tonight - yay!

Vacation planning has commenced!! Whoooooooooo!!!!!

I'm a dorky spaz, so I will go now....


African Kelli said…
Oh my. You are complaining of the heat in DULUTH?
Just giving you some slack. It is raining in Phoenix today and is actually quite lovely.
carrster said…
NO no no!! I'm not complaining
....I'm just stating...*outloud*...that it's f'ing hot! oh it went up 3 degrees, sheesh. Where else can you get 95 in the summer and six months later get -40?!? I love extremes!

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