Weekends & Canoes

Greetings. It's June 8th according to the calendar and YET the weather bug only says 41 FUCKING DEGREES and there's a windchill, and my furnace is kicking on, WTF?!?


We had a nice weekend amidst the family....we went to a resort near Nisswa, MN where we ate like we'd never seen food, played tons of games (much to Steve's chagrin), sat in the hot tub, canoed in the rain, golfed, hiked, took a shower together WHILE MY RELATIVES WERE SO CLOSE - shame (hee hee) and ate some more. It was nice. My rhubarb pie was a hit as was Steve's peaches & cream pie....we got back on Monday night. Unfortunately me missed probably the only 80+ degree day in Duluth. Man that sucks.

Now we've had temps in the 50's (today only 40's) and rain. TONS of it. Lovely. My poor carrots, beans, tomatoes and wildflowers are simply pissed off. Ugh.

And last night someone tried to steal the canoe. Hmmm....bad element moving into the neighborhood - YA THINK? It was only 2 weeks ago that the grill incident happend. Grrrrr. Well, the canoe's been chained up since last fall so they didn't get very far, assholes.

Steve just got back from Menards with a new security light, locks for the gates and a heavy duty canoe chain. I'm just waiting for the picnic table to walk off.

I'm not even going to mention the CAT PEE WHEN WE GOT HOME.


4 days til Canada.

thank god.


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