Hotter Than Bleep....

But I'm not complaining....


Currently 91 degrees - feels like 97.


(however, the Big Lake often causes a 20+ degree temperature difference throughout our fair city. I was 64 today at lunchtime at the Canal and 90 at the Ford dealership...where my car is. Still.)

So, yeah, I had to forgo riding my bike to work (again) today because my car still creaks and squeaks and I had a recall notice and I'm missing the middle thingy on my wheel (purely decorative but COME ON - I like it). Anyway - I took it up at lunch and the super old shuttle driver brought me back to work with plans to pick me up at 4:30. Well, my car hood IS NOT rubbing and making that noise (thankyouverymuch. Mr. Steve had that figured out immediately. Gives me great confidence in the mechanics) but I need new front struts...and they'll be here tomorrow. So my options were 1) have the super old guy pick me up, take me back to the dealership, then drive up there again tomorrow ruining not only 2 perfectly good lunch hours but also bike riding to work and back as well or 2) find someone to drive me home or 3) walk.

I tried #2 but failed so opted for #3. A Brilliant idea when it's 91 (feels like 97) and you're wearing chocolate brown (thankfully light in weight) pants and a silk (short-sleeved) sweater. And brown "non-walking" shoes. Ugh. Oh well, I walked, I sweated I cursed the absence of a water bottle and about 3/4 of the way home an SUV pulled past me, stopped and then started backing up. "oh god" I thought "who is this creepy guy..." Turns out - a co-worker! Not creepy at all! Had a very LOVELY AIR CONDITIONED vehicle and offered me a ride to my house. Whew. That was awesome.

Now I'm stripped down, I'm sure you wanted to know this, bra and underwear in front of the fan and cooling off. I think it's cerveza time.....



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