iTunes Everywhere!

Yay! Although not on the list*, yesterday was spent gathering the necessary items for hooking up the computer (and therefore iTunes) and the receiver to the stereo. The computer is upstairs in the den and the receiver is directly below in the living room. We've been wanting to figure out how we could hook this up for ages. So we went to Best Buy and asked and as soon as the guy started talking I felt like an idiot. Of course! We got a y-spliter for the computer speakers. We hooked them up to craploads of RCA audio cables and Steve drilled the hole of all holes (after several attempts - where the $#@% was the drill going?!) through the front closet. And today through the baseboard to directly behind said stereo. Voila! We now have tunes upstairs and down. Our music library, CD's (because we have not ONE working CD player in the house) and most importantly SECRET AGENT radio station on iTunes radio. It's so time to have a party.

*The list is the unbelievably long list of "house projects" which contains things like building closet shelves, refinishing the hard wood floors, organizing the basement, etc. I added the speaker project after we were done just so we could cross SOMETHING off.


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