Windy City

Today is fricking windy. The lake is roaring right now. The waves are crashing up over huge ice dams in Canal Park. It's really cool to see but really cold as well. It sucks to go in and out of any where because car doors get blown open or slammed shut, things blow out of your car when you open the door, hair? Don't even do it - it's not worth it. It won't last long. I was planning on going on a bike ride after work today. But, uh-uh. Not in this crap. And its cool (40) and the windchill probably brings it under 20 for sure. I mean it is f'ing WINDY. And yesterday I was in 75 and sunny...*sigh* Why do I live here again?

Steve called this morning. I was elated! I didn't think he would since I talked to his Mom last night and she said they were out of minutes on the calling card. I was thrilled when I picked up the phone and heard his voice. He misses me!! I miss him! This being away crap sucks and I don't like it. We should work to not have this happen again. At least not for eons and eons. 5 nights left. Wheeeeee!

Now, I am off to prepare a lovely "chicken mac" for dinner (family 'hot dish' recipe - one of my faves and HUGELY in the "comfort" category) and I'll be tuning into Jersey Girl at 7pm on MoMax or Cinemax, or AnotherMovieChannelIPrettyMuchNeverWatch and indulge in my own girliness. Oh and I should put the dishes away, vaccumm, fold clothes, clean the litter boxes, etc etc...ack!


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