Mini-Reviews, sort of

I suck at writing reviews but here goes…these are less reviews and more my open honest out there non-professional opinions.

Saved! – I found this movie to be perfectly funny and irreverent and enjoyable. I was skeptical going in. I’m not a big Mandy Moore fan or Mulcalhy Calkin for that matter but I do like Jenna Malone & Mary-Louise Parker so I gave it a shot! MM surprised me by being so perfect at playing the holier-than-thou type and I didn’t mind MC either. It was a nice glimpse at the hypocrisy surrounding anyone that’s so into something (in this case Christianity) and what happens when that raises you to the level of I-am-so-much-better-than-you-are. A great rental.

Open Water – I had to wait til I returned from vacationing in Mexico to watch this water. I’m glad I did! Shot on a PD-150 (my camera, btw) and a VX2000 this low-budget digital indie hit all the marks. It was intriguing, it was scary, it was a great character piece between two people stuck in the middle of the ocean with nothing but each other, their strength, their weakness and their fears. I found myself thinking – aside from the sharks, jellyfish, scuba diving aspect this would make a great play. I really enjoyed this film.

In America – I had wanted to see this film since it came out but never got a chance to in the theatre so I caught it on HBO. I really enjoy Samantha Morton’s performances – I think she is a solid, strong, no-nonsense kind of actress (check out Sweet and Low Down for example). This film though, it bored me. There was an immigrant family trying to make it in NYC in the early 80’s, there was a weird artist neighbor with AIDS, there were cute kids with awesome Irish accents but it was just dull. The actors were good the story was slooooow to say the least. *sigh* Maybe I just didn’t get it but I could’ve passed on this one.

Anchorman – Another film I was looking forward too as I think Will Ferrell is silly and I love him. However, after a couple glasses of wine with dinner – this movie was too slow for me and I slept through a great deal of it. I did see some very funny parts and still love Will Ferrell but I guess I wished this one was a bit funnier.


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