CrockPot Yumminess

It's cold today - winter is setting is December 1st after all (egad)...

I put a roast in the crockpot this morning and it smells delish...added potatoes, carrots and onions at lunchtime and things are just about ready to be eaten. Yum.

Of course I just witnessed Iko pee ...well, he started in the litter box and then slowly raised the stream up to hit the towel covered cardboard box which the box is sitting in. I think he must be getting old and creaky because the idea is there...executiion is starting to fail. What is it with me & cat pee?

Anyhoo - this wasn't suposed to be about cat pee...*sigh*

I'm off to edit (again) tonight...this is it...tomorrow we will make a dump of the film and I will mail it on Friday...then I'm taking a holiday break and not submitting to any more festivals until we are REALLY done.

Okay - time to eat some taters & beef! Yes!

(I have to eat alone as the Boy had to go to Brainerd today for work. :-( He will probably get home right after I leave...*big sigh* We're taping Rudolph to watch later....heh heh...)


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