Isolation, Day 1

Well, we separated the cats last night. Boy that was fun. Iko is in the den - where I am now - upstairs...little room with futon, window to the world, computer, tv (not that he watches tv, but you know) and the Boy's dresser/assorted craft supplies and Statler & Waldorf AND The Electric Mayhem (if you don't know what I'm talking about shame on you and go watch THE MUPPET SHOW).

Beavis is down in the kitchen - we've rigged up a couple of doors to block off the kitchen from the dining's okay. It looks G-H-E-T-T-O but whatever. They both looked so totally confused and sad last night when we locked them away - like...what did I do wrong? It was so sad...broke my heart.

This morning they were doing okay - I heard Iko meowing when I was in the bathroom getting ready for work and when I went downstairs to the kitchen, Beavis was ready and waiting for some love and attention. *sigh* We have to keep this up for 1 to 2 weeks...and the vet wants weekly update calls to see how it's going - argh!

Anyhoo - so far so good...this afternoon they both seem a bit mellower and calmed down like maybe they're getting used to it...they don't like it but they're adjusting. That's good.

Okay- time to go edit...



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