
Showing posts from September, 2012


It's been so much fun seeing how much our little tiny raised bed garden is producing. And it was an experiment year. Due to an over zealous husband while I was away....we ended up with 17 tomato plants in our one little bed! While we have REALLY been enjoying tomato plants, they pretty much crowded out the beans, cukes & peppers. So this year we have lots of tomatoes, a couple of squash & that's about it! Next year the tomatoes are going in their own bed, or in pots so we can grow a few other things! August can eat his weight in grape tomatoes, daily. Wish we had a couple of those plants. I miss having fresh green beans & zucchini, but I'll make sure there's room for them next year. I'm surprised we're getting as much as we are. We got 10" of rain (in one day) the week after we planted the garden & we've been experiencing horrible drought like conditions ever since. I am looking forward to growing more next year! It's amazin...

Homemade Laundry Soap 2

In this post I talked about making homemade laundry soap. Almost 15 months later I am making a 2nd batch! What a money saver this has been! Oh and I have been using MORE than one cup of it per load, I think it isn't *quite* as strong as my beloved Tide. But still. 15 months! It probably cost us about $4 to do laundry for a year (not including, you know, power, water & mental anguish, of course. Hooray for the homemade!