Lack of Internet Life
Seems like the only thing I'm updating on this blog these days is my reading list. ha. Which is sort of funny. At least to me. Still reading a lot. In fact, since I've started working I'm reading a lot more. I'm not used to having a full hour, once a day, in which to simply eat lunch & read. I will take it! I miss blogging though. I miss writing. I miss catching up with my friends in real life via their blogs & my friends in cyberspace via their blogs. *sigh* I long for a time when I have time to sit down & recap my weekends or show my projects or simply vent. Maybe I'll get there someday. Hopefully sooner rather than later. I miss having this be my "journal" my diary of my life complete with photos. This is the least I've written on this blog in the past 8 years of its existence. It makes me sad. So many things about who I am/was in my past have simply vanished. Or maybe not vanished but "re-invented." But many of those thin...