I Am Alive!

....just buried under books. Ah yes, I started my new job as a Library Technician a couple weeks ago. So far - it's great! It is amazing to work at a place that is philanthropic in nature; that promotes learning & research; that doesn't discriminate who has access to information. It is a whole different world that working in the corporate arena & I am enjoying it immensely. I am working in the Circulation department which in the most basic of terms is the place where you check books out. There is so much BEYOND that but I don't have time to get into it right now. I had no clue how much goes into running a library. No. Clue. But I am learning. I work at the main library downtown, but soon I will be working 2 days a week at the Mt. Royal Branch (my "neighborhood" library) and 3 days downtown. I think I will enjoy the variety a lot. It is also amazing to be surrounded by so many other people who love reading & books as much as I do. During one o...