26. Not Crawling
So Dahlia, at age 11 months, is still not crawling. She scoots on her belly pretty good (backwards) and she still rolls when necessary but she hasn't quite gotten the forward motion yet.
I'm tempted to wrap her in swiffer cloths and have her dust my living room floor - is that bad?
I kid.
Yesterday at ECFE the teacher gave me some info for the, well, I guess "special ed" for pre-school-aged kids/babies through the school system. She suggested I call them and set up a time for Dahlia to be observed. She said that because she's over 11 months and not crawling it was time to maybe do something about it. And that could be as little as a few suggestions on how to get her moving.
I feel torn about it. I mean, I don't really think that ANYTHING is 'wrong' with Dahlia. So she's a little slow at crawling. Big deal. I'm not the most physical of people. I walked late. Whatever it's fine. Part of me says - heck yeah, if she needs a little help or encouragement to get spot-on developmentally, then I'll all for it. And then the Mamacita part kicks in and hates the fact that she's not *perfect* and needs help and blah blah blah. It's a constant battle in my brain.
I had a dream last night that she started crawling - FAST. It was so funny looking. So far none of that yet this morning but she did whizz across the kitchen floor, right to Beavis's cat food, in record time this morning.
So, I talked to the woman at this program and she's going to talk to the PT to see if she thinks she wants to come and observe Dahlia at ECFE next Monday. By then she could be crawling. Who knows.
Dahlia also has zero teeth. I guess there's not a whole lot we can do to 'encourage' their arrival!
I'm tempted to wrap her in swiffer cloths and have her dust my living room floor - is that bad?
I kid.
Yesterday at ECFE the teacher gave me some info for the, well, I guess "special ed" for pre-school-aged kids/babies through the school system. She suggested I call them and set up a time for Dahlia to be observed. She said that because she's over 11 months and not crawling it was time to maybe do something about it. And that could be as little as a few suggestions on how to get her moving.
I feel torn about it. I mean, I don't really think that ANYTHING is 'wrong' with Dahlia. So she's a little slow at crawling. Big deal. I'm not the most physical of people. I walked late. Whatever it's fine. Part of me says - heck yeah, if she needs a little help or encouragement to get spot-on developmentally, then I'll all for it. And then the Mamacita part kicks in and hates the fact that she's not *perfect* and needs help and blah blah blah. It's a constant battle in my brain.
I had a dream last night that she started crawling - FAST. It was so funny looking. So far none of that yet this morning but she did whizz across the kitchen floor, right to Beavis's cat food, in record time this morning.
So, I talked to the woman at this program and she's going to talk to the PT to see if she thinks she wants to come and observe Dahlia at ECFE next Monday. By then she could be crawling. Who knows.
Dahlia also has zero teeth. I guess there's not a whole lot we can do to 'encourage' their arrival!
Also, if it helps you feel better, I hear that the later teeth come in, the stronger and healthier they end up being.
I'm sure you will hear about 4 million stories of kids who didn't crawl until 15 months and turned out just fine. And if there was something wrong, thank goodness we have the resources to identify and help solve.
We've gotta get up there an introduce our little girls.
For what it's worth from a non-mom, I say there's nothing wrong with having her observed and taking the results with a grain of salt. You know? Take what works for you and leave the rest.
It doesn't hurt to have her observed and see what they have to say, but I hear ya. I'm trying to keep my head in check re: her talking, so I totally get where you are coming from.
FYI, no teeth until around 12 months for our little one, and she finally cut the last of her front 4 LAST WEEK. I've also heard the later the better for teeth.
I think Miss D looks great. And if someone will come & observe her & let you know what they think, do it, but don't worry too much.