Got Milk?


because I need some. This feeding's tough. For some reason I'm just not producing very much which makes for one hungry baby. It is getting a little better but not that much. I'm getting frustrated which I know doesn't help anything...and then I cry (again).

We went to the lactation consultant last Thursday. She was very nice & helpful and way less scary than I thought she would be. She weighed Miss Dahlia, gave us some feeding tips, sold me a feeding pillow (she didn't push it - I just used it there and loved it), gave us some formula samples for supplementing if we needed it, made a "Plan" for us and all was good...but the milk still didn't come.

So we went back on Monday. I started taking the herbal supplement fenugreek on Saturday and thought by Monday it would've "kicked in" - but it hasn't really. We weighed her again and she was over her discharge weight (yay!) but I'm still freaking out because I don't know how much I'm giving her.

I'm feeding her more on demand now than on our schedule because that just wasn't working. Sometimes she only eats at the breast, sometimes she has that and a breast milk supplement (pumped); sometimes she gets formula after all that. I think her cheeks are getting chubbier but I just don't know.

There is so much NOT KNOWING.


I feel like all I do is nurse, feed, pump, repeat. I am now only pumping every other feeding because I was losing my sanity (and the LC said that was fine - she suggested it actually). We go to the doctor tomorrow for her 2 week check up (2 weeks already?!?!?!?!) and we'll see how she's doing weight-wise. I hope it's good.

I might go on Reglan next week to increase the milk supply. I hate the idea of taking an Rx but what can I do? I want her to be breast fed so I have to be willing to do this.


Anonymous said…
Oh Carrie. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. It's not easy and sounds like you are having it harder than some. I wish I had more advice. You are so dedicated and I am very impressed that you have stuck with it this long. I'm crossing my fingers that you will get into a rhythm soon. Good for you for seeing the lactation consultant! :)
Anonymous said…
OK, I'm going to tell you what three women close to me whom I love all told me and I hope you take it how I mean it.

A happy mom makes a happy baby. If you are losing your sanity for the sake of nursing, it's not worth it. I am NOT telling you to give up because I think you can make it work. You've already come so far. But please don't beat yourself up over this. If you have to switch to formula or consistently supplement with formula, it'll be ok. Please give yourself permission to consider your needs as well.

I'm sending a hug your way and hoping that you get the results you want the way you want.

Oh, have you found yet? Very good source if you haven't already been there.
carrster said…
That's an awesome site, Donna - thanks for pointing it out to me. Lots of useful info. :)
Meigan said…
Oh hon, I couldn't agree with Donna more. I had the same problems with both my kids. After fighting it for 5 months with Gillian, we finally switched over to formula. With Natalie I lasted less than a week. While I wish I had lasted longer with Natalie, she has turned out to be such a healthy, sweet little girl. Our bond isn't any different than the one I have with Gillian.

Don't give up if it means that much to you, but no one will be disappointed in you if you don't breastfeed.

I'm sorry the fenugreek didn't work. It did for me. Did you try brewer's yeast? Totally yucky but I mixed it with the fenugreek & it did improve the situation. Maybe you can try it before you do the Rx?

Best of luck to you!
Deb said…
Relax....babies don't starve in America. You're doing everything you can and you have all the right people helping you. Listen to your gut. You're a good mom already just for caring so much.
Nanette said…
Ohhh, you poor thing. I can only imagine. :(

I'm thinking lots of good thoughts for you!
African Kelli said…
Okay, who am I to give advice? Please, please keep that in mind. But I hear beer works. Seriously. Ask someone who's previously lactated.
Raesha D said…
I totally agree with what Donna said - that is SO the truth:) My lactation nurse told me essentially the same thing and I broke down in tears. I was so stressed and upset about not being able to feed Miss S adequately. I would nurse her for hours at a time and she would still cry cause she was hungry. I would pump for an hour and barely get half an ounce.
I was just waiting for a professional to tell me - you've given it your all and it's okay to supplement.
BUT I've also had friends and my sister (who has 7 kids) that the first couple weeks are the absolute hardest and once you get over that is is SO much easier.
Good luck!
Samantha Keown said…
Hi Carrie. I agree what all these fine ladies say. If it makes you feel any better both Sydney and I have thrush and I'm making pink milk I am so raw (and you know what that means) I am down to three pumps a day because it is so painful but the bottom line is I am doing what I can for my baby and that is it. Is there any way Steve could take her for a night (which I know for you and I control freaks is unimaginable) but sleep really works wonders. Are you sleeping as much as you can. I know all of this is so much easier said than done. I am sending you a huge hug and lots of warm fuzzies. If you'd like for me to freezer ship you some milk I'd be more than happy to. I know it sounds crazy but I'd be happy to share. I figure if orphanages and ebay will take it I would rather give it to someone I care about. Miss you

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