Two Issues that Could Use Your Good Thoughts

Firstly - I heard from my folks last night that my sister and the babies had a little scare yesterday. While in for her regular check-up (25 1/2 weeks, for those of you who are counting), they put her on the contraction monitoring device to find that she was having contractions - every six minutes! They sent her to the hospital, called my brother-in-law (who got the message "Your wife's in the hospital having contractions every 6 minutes, come quickly" - no I'm sure he didn't FREAK OUT) and finally was able to stop the contractions with use of drugs. Needless to say this incident has now put my entire family on pins and needles. I can't imagine what Kathy & Jay are feeling. 32 weeks is the goal, 36 weeks would be ideal. These babies aren't done baking yet!! Hopefully they will settle down now for a little longer. They went home last night and everything was okay.

Please keep them in your thoughts & prayers.

Secondly - Iko. Iko has lost over a pound of weight since his March 23 check up. He is looking scrawny. He's just not eating. We noticed last week really, that his backbone was more boney and that he wasn't his usual self. He usually never misses a meal with Steve & I and has his own place at the table (dorky? yes, I know but that's us). He is usually very vocal and can be quite feisty - if he's in the mood to play. So, Steve took him to the vet yesterday - where they ran a battery of tests (ruled out Feline Leukemia, thank god) and prescribed some meds and he has another appointment next week. His blood count dropped from 40 to 28 and although I don't really know what that means (indicates an infection, a virus, internal bleeding?) I do know that it's not good and if iut should drop another 10 points or so that could be fatal.

I am an optimist. I am also a realist. Iko is almost old enough to get his driver's license and logically I KNOW what is lurking somewhere around the corners. I just don't want it to happen.

Please keep him in your thoughts & prayers too (if you're into such a thing as praying for a blogger's pet whom you may or may not know).


Anonymous said…
I'll be thinking of your sister and her growing family, and your kitty. I hope all turns out as it should!
fruey said…
Hi Carrster,

We had a similar scare with Nathan :

Yasmina had meds to stop contractions for the rest of her pregnancy, and other friends had similar stories with all good outcomes. It's scary when it happens, but there probably isn't any reason to worry too much.

I am not a doctor, and not familiar with all the case details even if I was, but maybe this might help you anyway :-)


fruey said…
Sorry to double comment, but this post has some more detail on the anti contraction meds.
Peder said…
Best of luck and whole big bunches of good wishes. If it comes to it, we can give you advice on force feeding a cat (unfortunatly). Hope everything turns out ok.
Test said…
Both Kathy and Jay are in my prayers. I think my SIL may have gone through the same with her twins and I know my friend did with her triplets. All have turned out to be wonderfully healthy and happy babies.

Re: Iko - sounds a lot like Tabitha. I know what you mean. The little babe is also in my thoughts and prayers (even though I swear Iko hides every time I come see you).

Hugs to everyone.
michelle said…
I'm keeping them all in my prayers! Keep me update - I hope everything turns out okay!

Let Steve know I'm thinking of him too!
K said…
Carrie - I will certainly think of your sister and BIL and those babies. A little more time in the oven for sure! Hope your kitty is feeling better too. My sister is 8 mos from graduating with her DVM (or becoming a veterinarian :)) so if you have questions, I can ask her for clarification! :)

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