Someday I'll stop posting about my daughter's inability to sleep & the screaming. But today's not the day! New developments from the house of NO SLEEP. Now instead of going to bed awesomely on a very regular basis, she NEVER goes to bed! Not only does she NOT go to bed, she still wakes up in the middle of the night! She still will not sleep in her crib and she still screams for hours and hours. It's getting worse! I guess be careful what you complain about, eh? Last night she cried, no, screamed, from the time we put her down (just after eight) until almost 10 o'clock. Steve or I would go in every 15 minutes or so to "comfort her" (fat lot that did) and she was incredibly CLINGLY, grabbing on for dear life. What is going on? Finally nearish to ten I got her up and brought her downstairs WHERE she was happy as a lark. Playing with Beavis, climbing on us, requesting Baby Einstein videos (declined). I was exhausted and wanted to go to bed. So much for any...
hope you find your flow soon!
miss you!