Steps in the Right Direction


That was easy. I mean...really quite easy.

I can't talk about it yet but the first official meeting for Super-Secret-Idea-#1 went SWIMMINGLY well. As in...I think it might actually possibly conceivably happen. With little hand wringing, swearing and tears. Huh. Bizarre. I don't even know how to feel right now. I cannot feel too happy (chickens & eggs hatching the whole cliche) and I am not sad (because clearly this has piqued the right interest in the right people with the right $) and I'm just sort of...


Stay tuned....


Deb said…
Don't jinx it!!
Anonymous said…
I am so curious right now I can't stand it. I know you'll share with us when you can so I'll be patient. I'm thinking all the good thoughts in the world for you and hoping everything goes how you want it to.

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