The Arrival
Newton’s Disease has officially been born! That’s how I feel. I feel as though these 6 boxes of dvd’s and 1000s of postcards are my babies! I was thrilled to hear they arrived, rushed right down to ogle the boxes and to lovingly stroke the dvds. Yes, I did. To see so many of them each with the title, our artwork, our “blurbs” our bar code!!! *sigh* It was a moment which left me feeling proud and plastered a big smile across my face.
This has been the hardest task of my life. It has consumed 3 years and thousands (upon thousands) of dollars (thanks Citibank!). It has made me laugh, cry, tear my hair out, throw things, yell, smile, sigh, bleed (probably….), wish I had never started it and anxiously await starting the next one. Roller coaster? Yes. No other way to describe it. I learned how to solve problems, keep finances in order, negotiate (sort of), cajole needed things from cast & crew, prioritize, organize and fully appreciate everything that goes into a feature film. I also picked up a few editing hours along the way (I am the editor, after all).
I don’t know what’s next….selling a few would be nice; getting in a festival would be lovely; being picked up by a distributor would be fantastic and having someone pay a lot of money for it and hire us to make another would be excellent.
Then again – to sit in one theatre anonymously while people watch and laugh and are inspired to TALK about it would be the best. That’s all I ask for. For people to not throw rotten tomatoes at the screen and to hiss and boo that would be the greatest reward…because while I think my baby is beautiful, I’m not sure how the rest of the world will receive it.