I got my hair cut last night.
It was looking all scraggly again and since I allow myself 2 haircuts a year (what is my problem?) I figured it was time. Plus I’m going to see my parents this weekend and the future in-laws and I want to look “pretty” for that.
I also changed the color. I bought Navajo Caramel Brown (do those words even go together?). It turned out a bit reddish which I wasn’t really going for but perhaps that’s because some of the blonde from March is still hanging around. I have no idea.
The only problem I’m having right now is thinking about upcoming HAT SEASON. Short hair looks like crap in hats.. It looks like you’re bald or something. How am I supposed to recapture my cross-country-ski-bunny look with no curls escaping from the bottom of my knit cap? How will I keep the back of my head warm? What was I thinking?!?!
*sigh* I’m sure it’ll still be cold by the time my hair grows out but that isn’t making me feel any better right now.