Focus Blues

My car needs help.

On the road trip he did sooooo good (yes, it's a he). No problems and excellent mileage. The last 350 miles or so started to be kind of rough - it was probably longer than that but oh well. He started shaking - mostly on the driver side, in the rear. I thought it was the crappy roads for a while but then when ALL the roads started feeling like that it seemed like that probably wasn't the case. And then I thought it would get better when I got home and he (Francis) (yes, Francis Ford Focus) had time to rest up but silly me! Cars do not heal nor do they come with their own private R2 units. Anyway - so today I took him in. I needed an oil change and btw, why don't you check out the alignment - he's kind of shaking.

I get the phone call this afternoon. The tires are bad. They are like squares. You need new ones. And they're the super-expensive-low-profile ones. They look cool but they're pricey! $122 a tire! Gah! Plus the rear alignment (that's not including the one I need to do on my own body - ha). Plus the oil change. Yup - we're looking at $350 or so. I'm so depressed. That is almost what I spent on my entire vacation!!!!!


No honeymoon suite for me! Only car maintenance. Waaaaaaaah


Francis Ford Focus, I love it!

Sorry about your car. I know it sucks to spend money on boring grown up stuff like that.

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