
Should I be packing? Yes. Cleaning up the house? Yes. Putting fresh litter in Beavis's box? Yes. Am I? Of course not...that would leave no time for scrambling around like a crazy person tomorrow. Sheesh. Plus, I'm burning a very special CD....(and obviously have to supervise).

We went to the candlelight ski tonight at Jay Cooke State Park. It is just about the best thing ever. Ski trails lit up with luminaries. Nothing like being in the dark and seeing this. It's simply magical. There is no other word to describe it. I wiped out pretty good - but it was either that or going off a cliff into the river (in my head at least) and I really want to go to Mexico tomorrow so I opted for the fall. Thank god I didn't break anything.

If you EVER get the chance to ski or snowshoe in the woods at night with candles lighting your way.....take it! They even have hot dogs and cider and stuff inside after where you can sit by the fire. Oh and it was perfect outside IN THE FORTIES, no wind and the sky full of stars. Just Magical.


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