I haven't posted much about August's progress & am feeling like such a bad-Mama for that...so I thought I'd update a few things. August is a MOVING MACHINE. If he is restrained, he is unhappy. He wants to be walking, running, climbing, crawling, whatever - all. the. time. It is exhausting. I am longing for our old backyard which was all grassy & fenced in! I would love to just let him run, but we don't have much space! I took him to the library today for story time and he just ran & ran in the open room. He loved it. Also - climbing on chairs. Good grief, this one will be the death of me (oh and he just now WALKED down the backstairs to the backdoor. Ay yi yi. Need to be more vigilant about shutting that door! He now says "no" quite well (& frequently). His other words are Mama, Daddy, "Dahlia," hot, uh-oh, he can sort of bark for a dog... Not a ton of words, yet, but he babbles all the time. I think Dahlia was saying a LOT of words b...