Ugh - this whole dissolving a company thing is for the birds. For one we're not really *dissolving* it - we're just laying off all the employees & hoping that we can still sell our film in the coming months. The second sucky thing is that our investor (well, the financial dept) changed the structure of their funding from "investment" to "interest bearing loan" without ever telling us....which obviously doesn't legally change things unless we agree. And therein lies the problem. How do you bite the hand that has been SO generous to you over the past 3 years - allowing you to create, make your schedule, fulfill a dream while at the same time not getting screwed over? If we had been told additional monies were a loan at the time of the change, we probably would've done things differently - like, negotiated a better interest rate, talked to a banker, a lawyer, etc. I am not personally liable for anything but our company is & if we choose to go fo...